Rules for students:

Students who come to the school by their own should reach at least five minutes before the first bell rings. Late may either be asked to return home.

The school uniform is to be worn on all school days and school functions.

Parents/Guardians should not enter the class room during class hours.

No student is allowed to leave the class or school premises during school hours. In case of any emergency Parents/Guardians must come themselves to take their wards.

The school insists on maintenance of strict discipline. Any child who violates the rules of the school will not be allowed to attend the school.

Student must not bring money, mobile or valuable articles with them to the school. They are also not allowed to bring any sharp edged instrument to the school.

All the students are expected to present on the first day of the academic session and on the opening day after the vacation and on the closing day before the vacation.

Tiffin should be given to students daily when they come to school. Guardian should not send tiffin during class hours.

Student should display polite behavior wherever they go. The schoois always judge by the conduct of it’s students. Unparliamentary and foul language is not allowed.

Students must respect all the staff of school irrespective of caste, colour and creed.

Students must not stand outside the classroom or roam about here and there between two periods.

Students should move from one place to another silently in an unbroken queue.

Students must keep their class, desk, corridors and surroundings clean.

Students using unfair means during examination will be awarded ZERO in the subject concerned. Repetition of the same will result in his /her immediate dismissal.

Care must be taken of school property and restitution made for damage articles. Students are not allowed to scratch or write on furniture, walls or window.

For Parents:

Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authority by enforcing regularity, cleanliness and maintenance of books & copies.

Parents/Guardians are urged to attend Parent- Teacher meeting without fail.

Parents are to take proper care that children do their homework and come well prepared to school on time.

Parents are to see their wards carry books and copies according to class routine only. He/ She could not leave Homework copies at home.

Parents are requested to sign the report card duly and return within Three days in proper condition.

The parents are quit free to record their observation in diary, or to meet Principal personally.